The Beginning
Time Lords and time ladies broke away from Gallifrey to start their own better time lord society and over time after they found the planet Jonizicrey and colonized it the people got a different kind of voice types American types voices and they maintain a good relationship with their former home planet of Gallifrey and taught the generations over the centuries even extra stuff and new hypotheses and lessons along with the traditional teachings of Gallifrey with exceptions for interference with less hard punishments not even forced regeneration. They have an agency like the Celestial. intervention Agency called A.T.S.I.A All. Time. Space. Intervention. Agency. Romana after the time war applied for citizenship on Jonizicrey successfully and River Song got resurrected in a male form on that planet called Riverton and he got used to life on that planet and Romana did too. The two meet up and Romana brings up the doctor and Riverton tells her his full story back when he was a she in his first three incarnations and that this current one is his fourth and he changed his name to Riverton cause he is no longer River Song. They told stories about all of their stories about the doctor and Romana shared with Riverton all the things her and the doctor faced and defeated with them comparing the different experiences with the doctor and after a few years Riverton and Romana got married and have a son that grew up to do what the doctor does only with a wrist tardis in the name of The Jacksoner.
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