The Jacksoner's Christmas adventures
The Jacksoner and Jade Steven had their last Christmas together and saved the world from an instant Jyrec conversion. The following year on the same day him and Sarah Gordon had saved her family and the world from Wendigos left over from the last time they had stopped them only this time the Cybermen were controlling them. The Jacksoner and Sarah Gordon had to break the mind control of them. Once they did The Wendigos turned on the Cybermen and began devouring them. With that once all of the Cybermen were gone they thanked Him and Sarah Gordon. Sarah unsure about what to think about that just decided to stop traveling with The Jacksoner. The following year on Christmas Eve he spent it mostly with his family back on Jonizicrey and helping The Doctor do some maintenance work on his tardis. He then went to his friend The Tasker's for dinner and the rest of the gifts.